交流区英语资料 >> To Play or to Watch案例实录
楼主 To Play or to Watch案例实录 Karlson,2012-05-21 10:59:13

[TABLE=transparent,0,0,100%,left,transparent,0,none][TR][TD=1,1,#ffffff]一To Play or to Watch[P][P][P][ALIGN=center]重庆市巴蜀中学英语教师 徐建军[/ALIGN][/P][P][/P][P][/P][P][B][[/B][B] 案例实录 ] [/B][/P][P]T: Hello. [The teacher points his microphone to the students.] [/P][P]Ss: Hello. [/P][P]T: Thank you very much. It’s the very first time for me to come to Changsha, Hunan Province. And I’m here. I feel terribly exciting and thrill. Because of why? Today we will talk about football. Do you like football? [/P][P]Ss: Yes. [/P][P]T: Do you think football is the most popular sports in the world? [/P][P]Ss: [Some students say “Yes”; others say “No”.] [/P][P]T: Why do you think so? Why? Can you tell me? [/P][P]Sa2: [Shaking heads] [/P][P]T: Can you tell me why? What about you? [/P][P][The teacher points his microphone to Student a1.] [/P][P]Sa1: Because football is very exciting and football player is superior and watch them will be relaxed and fine. [/P][P]T: OK. Thank you very much. What about you, the gentleman? [/P][P]Sc3: All people will feel it a very exciting sports. When they play football, they play on the people who they feel relaxed on the field in your sense, and feel excited that will give which produce you on the body. [/P][P][All the students applause for Student c 3’s response.] [/P][P]T: Yeah, you’ve got it. Thank you very much. Football! OK. What about this girl? [/P][P][The teacher points his microphone to Student e1.] [/P][P]Se1: Football is a kind of good sports. But I prefer basketball. [/P][P][All the students laugh for the girl changes the topic.] [/P][P]T: Basketball is also very interesting. Now, OK. Do you know Henry? Henry is my English name. Do you know I like football lads? I like football very much. Do you know why? [/P][P]Ss: No. [/P][P]T: [Seriously] Football makes a man. [/P][P]Ss: Wow. [Students feel very surprised.] [/P][P]T: And as far as ladies, football also makes a … [/P][P]Ss: [Laughing] Ladies. [/P][P]T: You will talk about that — “makes a lady”. OK. Now, before you get started, please turn over your paper, and we’ll do a little experiment on listening comprehension. OK. Now, here we go. And before you get started, now please look at the screen. Everybody knows that. Who is this man? [/P][P]Ss: Beckham. [/P][P]T: David … [/P][P]Ss: Beckham. [/P][P]T: OK. What, what does this mean? “Pitch”. What does this word mean? Can you tell me? [/P][P][The teacher points his microphone to Student a1 and Student b1. Both of them shake heads. Then, the teacher puts the microphone in front of Student c2.] [/P][P]T: Can you tell me? Can you just guess? [/P][P]Sc2: It just means a football field? [/P][P]T: It’s a football field. Do you think so? [/P][P]Ss: Yes. [/P][P]T: Here, it’s a court. It’s a field for playing football. OK. Here we go, listening comprehension. OK. Here you’ve got five statements. After listening, tell me whether the five statements are true or false. OK. Now focus on listening. [/P][P][Students listen to the tape; however the loudspeaker doesn’t sound very clear.] [/P][P]T: Now, I’m sorry. Can you hear this? [/P][P]Ss: No. [In a low voice] [/P][P]T: “No” or “Yes”? [/P][P]Ss: No. [/P][P]T: OK. I am going to read it here. OK. Listen. Because, you see, some voice is not so clear. [/P][P][The teacher reads: Listening comprehension: “To play or to watch?” (文字材料见附录) ] [/P][P]T: That’s all for listening comprehension. Now look at the blackboard to tell me the four, the five statements are true or false. No. 1. It’s a fine day to practice football. True or false? [/P][P]Ss: True. [/P][P]T: Yeah. [The teacher uses the computer to present “T” on the screen.] It’s true. No. 2. According to Steven’s mother, David knows good manners. [/P][P]Ss: False. [/P][P]T: [Nodding] No. 3. True or false? [/P][P]Ss: [Some students say “True”; others say “False”]. [/P][P]T: David Beckham is rude to his teammates. Is he rude to his teammates? [/P][P]Ss: False. [/P][P]T: [The teacher asks Student d2.] True or false? [/P][P]Sd2: Sorry. I don’t know what you mean. [/P][P]T: OK. What about you? [/P][P]Sd3: I think it’s false. [/P][P]T: It’s false. Do you think so? He is not rude to his teammates. Right? [The teacher presses the mouse to present “F” on the screen.] Now, what about No. 4? True or false? True or false? [/P][P]Ss: [In a low voice]False. [/P][P]T: What about you? [The teacher turns to Student e2.] [/P][P]Se2: False. [/P][P]T: False. Do you think so? [/P][P]Ss: Yes. [/P][P]T: All the speakers think it can improve his skills and understanding, right? OK, No. 5. True or false? True or false? [/P][P]Ss: True. [/P][P]T: What about you? [/P][P][The teacher points his microphone to Student b2] [/P][P]Sb2: I think it’s true. [/P][P]T: It’s true. Let’s check up the answer. [The teacher shows the wrong answer.] Sorry. [He presses the mouse again.] It’s true. Right? OK. Thank you very much for the listening. OK. Here we go. Now, open your…the piece of paper. I’m going to give you three minutes [Gesturing] to look through the whole dialogue again, three minutes, and to check out A’s points. Because there are two speakers there, right? A’s points, what did A think? And B’s points, what are B’s points? Right? What did B think? OK. Try to underline the points. [Gesturing] Three minutes. [/P][P][Students read the paper. The teacher moves around to see if the students have any difficulty. Some students are referring to dictionaries. And some are having a discussion in a low voice.] [/P][P]T: OK. Time is up. First, OK, let’s check it up. What are A’s points? Any volunteer? What are A’s points? What did A think? What are A’s points? [/P][P]Sf3: [Volunteering] I think, I think practice more, practice is more useful to improve the football skills. [/P][P]T: [Nodding] Thank you very much. She’s got it. Now. Any more? Any more? [The teacher puts up one hand to ask students to take part in the discussion actively.] A thought a lot besides this point. Now. What about you? [/P][P]Sc3: A thinks they can’t play football well just by watching TV, so this is what A thinks. [/P][P]T: Yeah. What about others? A got a lot of…more points. Think about it. [/P][P]Sd2: [Volunteering] And A thinks they can’t make a good football player. [/P][P]T: Is that true? [/P][P]Sd2: [Murmuring] No. [/P][P]T: Is that true? I think so. Now. What about others? A got a lot more points. A’s points. Think about it. He prefers to play football. Do you think so? [/P][P]Ss: Yeah. [/P][P]T: Yeah. And besides that … [The teacher moves to the corner.] Now what about you? [He points his microphone to Student a4.] [/P][P]Sa4: I think there’s something we can talk about. And the others think David has no manners and he’s not a good player. [/P][P]T: I cannot hear clearly. Which means David Beckham has no manners too. Right? OK. Now, David Beckham has no manners according to speaker A. Right? And beside that, we can have any more? [/P][P]Sf2: [Volunteering] And A agrees that David Beckham doesn’t care anyone only himself. [/P][P]T: Yeah. David Beckham only cares about himself. Right? Any more? Any more? [/P][P]Sf1: [Volunteering] And he thinks Beckham should take more careful about his behavior, maybe the way he had in public. [/P][P]T: Yeah. You’ve got it. David Beckham should be more care about his behavior, do you think so, which is the way he has in public. Right? OK. Anything more? Anything more? What did he prefer to do? [/P][P]Sb2: He prefers to practice. He think he will certainly be better at skill of performance. [/P][P]T: Yeah. She got it. Do you think so? He prefers to do the real thing. OK. Let’s check it out whether you are right or wrong. Do you think so? OK. Now, let’s come to B. What are B’s points? B’s points? [/P][P][Student e2 puts up her hand, and the teacher puts the microphone in front of her.] [/P][P]Se2: Beckham is a good sportsman. [/P][P]T: Beckham is a good sportsman. Right? Yeah, she got it. Next one. [/P][P]Sd4: [Volunteering] He thinks his skills and understanding improves when he watches him play in the match. [/P][P]T: Yes. Watching him can improve his understanding of football. Right. OK. Now, next one, next one. Use your microphone. Thank you very much. [/P][P]Sa2: [Volunteering] He would rather stay indoors when he watches the football game. [/P][P]T: He prefers to stay indoors. Right? Anything more? Anything more? Anything more? OK. Use your microphone. [/P][P]Se1: [Volunteering] She thinks we should follow Beckham’s example. [/P][P]T: Yeah. We should follow David Beckham’s example. Right? Anything more? [/P][P]Se3: [Volunteering] I think people in sports always seem to get angry quickly. [/P][P]T: Sportsmen always get angry very quickly. Right? Yeah. OK. Now, what about you? [/P][P]Sa4: [Volunteering] Only staying in the football field and playing football will improve football than watching ball games. [/P][P]T: I can’t hear you. Would you say that again? [/P][P]Sa4: I mean watching football games is valuable than practice. [/P][P]T: OK. Watching is more valuable than doing the real thing. Right? OK. That’s all for these points. Now. Let’s check it out. OK. We’ve got it. Right? He thinks he prefers to stay indoors when he watches football. Let’s look at these slangs. What does this mean? “No manners”. What does this mean? What does this mean? [/P][P][The teacher points the microphone to Student e1.] [/P][P]Se1: I think it means he doesn’t like a gentleman. [/P][P]T: He, he doesn’t look like a gentleman. Do you think so? For example, I am walking on the street, and I spit. [He pretends to spit.] All the time you will talk about I have no manners. What does this mean? “Behave”. What does this mean? Just make a white guess. What does this mean, “Behave”? [/P][P]Se4: Action. [/P][P]T: Action or act, act. “Behave” which means “act”, which means “doing something”. Now, let’s come to next one. “A good example to follow”, what does this mean? “Follow one’s example”. What does this mean? Just guess. [/P][P]Sf1: [Volunteering] If we follow him, we can improve a lot. [/P][P]T: If we follow him, we can improve a lot. Is she right? “Follow one’s example”. What does this mean? Lei Feng … [/P][P]Sc3: [Volunteering] Model and idol him. [/P][P]T: Model and idol. We learn from somebody, which means we follow his example. You’ve got it. OK. Now. What does this mean? “Play fair”. Just make a white guess according to the speaker. David Beckham doesn’t try to push them. [Gesturing] Right? He does not try to make them fall over. What does this mean? “Play fair”. Think about it. [/P][P]Sd2: [Volunteering] Maybe it means he plays in the rules. [/P][P]T: Yes. She got it. Do you think so? He plays according to all, according to the rules, obeys the rules. Now what about this one? [The teacher presses the mouse.] “Strategy”. What does this mean? Watching TV and watching football can improve his strategy. What does this mean? [/P][P]Se2: [Volunteering] It means the best way to the game. [/P][P]T: The best way … Do you think so? What about you? [/P][P]Sd4: [Volunteering] The plan before he play football. [/P][P]T: Would you say that again? [/P][P]Sd4: The plan before he play football. [/P][P]T: She says it’s the plan. Is she right? Is it really a plan or something else? “Strategy”. We will play football … [/P][P]Sd1: [Volunteering] The way to play football. [/P][P]T: Do you think so? Yes, which means strategy is “a kind of way, means or method”. Do you think so? That’s a way. OK. You’ve got it. [He presses the mouse.] What does this mean? “Fitness”. “Fitness”. What does this mean? What does this mean, “fitness”? Look at me. Look at me. I’m so fat, I … [/P][P]Sc4: [Volunteering] I think it means exercise. [/P][P]T: Exercise. Do you agree? [/P][P]Sd3: Problem. [/P][P]T: Problem? Here “Fitness” is a noun. Here “Fitness” is a noun. What does this mean? [/P][P]Sb3: [Volunteering] Is this mean “Health”? [/P][P]T: “Health”? Do you think so? I think so. It’s “Health”, your physical condition. Right? How to fit, fitness. OK. You’ve got it. A got a lot of points. B got a lot of points. Do you agree with A, or do you agree with B? If you agree with A, please put up your hands. If you agree with A’s points, put up your hands. [Gesturing] OK. The rest agree with B’s points. So if you agree with A’s points, please sit here, sit here [The right side of the classroom]. If you agree with A’s points, sit here, OK? And who agree with B’s points, sit here and there [The left side of the classroom]. If you agree with A’s points, please sit here. If you agree with B’s points, please sit here. We are going to have a discussion. We are going to have a discussion. OK. These seats are for A and those seats are for B. OK. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Please sit here. It doesn’t matter. OK. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a discussion. OK. Think about it. Do you think David Beckham has good manners or no manners? Think about it. Why do you think so? And if you agree with A, tell me the reason, tell me more. If you agree with B, tell me more. I’m going to give you three minutes to prepare. And I want you to have a debate. Got it? We are going to have a debate. Yeah. You will talk about it. Three minutes. Tell me why you agree with A and you agree with B. [/P][P][Students have a discussion. The teacher moves around. Student d3 puts up his hand, and the teacher comes over to him.] [/P][P]T: What? [/P][P]Sd3: I agree with some of these points. [/P][P]T: You just think. You just remove. You don’t have to agree with everything. Got it? [/P][P][The teacher turns to several students. And Student d2 puts up his hand.] [/P][P]Sd2: We have a debate or we just show our opinions? [/P][P]T: You show your opinions. [/P][P]Sd2: Just show opinions? [/P][P]T: Just show your opinions. Why do you show your opinions? You are having a debate. Do you think so? [/P][P]Sd2: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. [/P][P][The teacher comes to Student e3.] [/P][P]Se3: How to say “[I]zai xian cang [/I]…[I] zai xian cang biao yan[/I]”? [/P][P]T: “Watch the live games” or “watch the game on the sports”. [/P][P]Sc1: Shall we make a debate or just talk … [/P][P]T: While you are talking about your opinions. For example, he … [Inaudible] This is both a discussion and a debate. Do you think so? [/P][P]Sc1: Yeah. [/P][P][The teacher comes to Student a3.] [/P][P]T: What? [/P][P]Sa3: Which is …? [Inaudible] [/P][P]T: Victoria. [/P][P][The teacher moves to the front of the classroom.] [/P][P]T: OK. Everybody, for time is up. Now, A’s points. I want to listen to A’s points first, A? [/P][P]Sf2: [Volunteering] When I saw Beckham on court on TV, he usually, or he always sticking and pressing or conceit. I don’t like this kind of person. So I think he’s no manner. [/P][P]T: [Nodding] “Conceit”, what does “conceit” mean? He is a liar, things like that. [/P][P]Sd3: [Volunteering] First I want to say, I agree with some of A’s points. And first I want to say Beckham is a successful and handsome man in the world. [Student d3 describes Beckham a handsome man and his words make students laughing.] And if you love, you can say he’s a little killer and he has so many fans and children play skills. I don’t think watching TV is a kind of way to improve your football skills. If you watch TV, you can’t be a football coach, and you just practice, you can be a good football player. [/P][P]T: Thank you very much. What about B? What about B? [/P][P]Sb2: [Volunteering] I just agree with B’s points about Beckham. I think Beckham, I think he seems like a don’t-want-to-talk person, but I think he is a very successful and head person. [/P][P]T: Yeah, yeah. Now. Any more? [/P][P]Sb1: And I also think he is a successful father and successful one. [/P][P][The teacher comes to Student b4.] [/P][P]Sb4: [Volunteering] I am a very crazy fan, football fan. And I think in the football match, there are many kinds of situations, such as lose ball, and you say some bad words, I think if a football match, no such situations, not a football match. And Beckham is a member of Manchester Liverpool and leader of England. I think he is a good player. [/P][P]T: Yeah. He is a good player. Right. Let’s give him a big hand, give him a big hand, a big hand. [/P][P]Sc4: I think Beckham is a successful sportsman. He is always very …, he has very good organization. He always cooperate with his teammates very well. Sometimes he even changes jobs to keep the ball. She never, she isn’t lose his teammates and also the players which, who he gives to. So I think so. [/P][P]T: Thank you very much. He, not she. [Students laugh.] [/P][P]Sc4: Yeah. [/P][P]T: Any more, what about A’s? Shall we follow the example? [/P][P]Se2: [Volunteering] He is a very successful sportsman. That’s true. So many people take him as a good example to follow. So she/he must be world popular on his behaviors. So we have to follow her example. [/P][P]T: Yeah. You got it. What about B, or A? OK. [/P][P]Sc1: [Volunteering] I just agree with No .5’s point. Because I think we should do, we should practice more, and only which or what a player to do and I also think man had to be very responsible because it’s better to be a public person and of course I agree with this [Pointing to the words on the screen], just one point. And his football skill is very excellent. But I think he always made mistakes and he can’t be responsible to face something he made. [/P][P]T: Yeah. You got it. Right. Practice is perfect and skills are very important. [/P][P]Sb4: [Volunteering] I also agree with B’s five point. This first one I want to say is a hope. Do you know in this world cup, everyone thought the team of Brazilian will win the game. But as a matter of fact, the England team win the game. Why? Because they have a good strategy. [/P][P][Students applause.] [/P][P]T: [Nodding] Strategies means a lot. Do you think so? [/P][P]Sa2: I want to say that we couldn’t deny Beckham is a good man just because he makes such a small mistake. [/P][P]T: [Nodding] Nobody is perfect. Right? OK. Anyway, David Beckham is a successful. Right. Everyone knows that he is the most handsome man in Europe. Everyone knows that. Look at those advertisements on the television. Adidas. We know that, he is also very, mm, we don’t talk about that, he’s very sexy. [Students laugh.] We don’t often talk about that, right? I know that everyone knows that how to be a successful man. How to be a successful? David is a successful man. I think we should follow David Beckham’s example. Right? To practice more. And I think we should combine A’s points and B’s points together. Do you think so? [/P][P]Ss: Yes. [/P][P]T: To not only watch a football game, to increase your understanding and skills in football, right? But more important to practice. Everybody knows the famous saying “Practice makes …”. [/P][P]Ss: Perfect. [/P][P]T: Right? And nobody is perfect. We should follow his example. But how? Just imagine. Just imagine. [/P][P][The teacher presses the mouse.] [/P][P]T: To play or to watch. [The screen shows these words.] What does this mean? To play or to watch? Or both. Think about that. For example, we are going to do a role play. [To students in one group.] You are going to be a reporter. You are going to interview David Beckham. And you are going to interview David Beckham. [To students in another group.] And you are going to be David Beckham. Tell me why you are so successful in your life, in your sports, in everything. And David Beckham is also very successful in advertisement. Do you think so? And he made a lot of advertisements. He looks wonderful, excellent, amazing. Right? OK. Try to use the following words and expressions. This is a dialogue. [The screen shows some words and expressions.] Think about it. I will give you three minutes, three minutes to just interview David Beckham. This is David Beckham. [He points to Line 1.] This is the reporter. [He points to Line 2.] Got it? [/P][P]Ss: Got it. [/P][P]T: David Beckham (Line 3), reporter (Line 4), David Beckham (Line 5), reporter (Line 6). We will do the role play. Thank you for your well cooperation. [/P][P][Students prepare for the role-play. The teacher moves around. Student c1 and Student d1 ask the teacher some questions.] [/P][P]T: OK. Thank you very much. Time is up. Who would like to do the first, the first pair. Is there anyone? Try! OK. [The teacher gives the microphone to Student c2 and Student d2.] [/P][P]Sd2: We sit? [/P][P]T: You can sit. I think it’s better to come here. OK. Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big hand. Right? [Student c2 and Student d2 come to the front of the classroom. The rest applause.] [/P][P]Sc2: First I should say I’m very honored to get such an opportunity to interview you, one of the most excellent football players in the world. [/P][P]Sd2: Oh, thank you. [/P][P][Student c1 is still looking up the dictionary.] [/P][P]Sc2: First I want to ask that you have the most perfect appearance, so you know that all fans especially those females like you just because of your handsome appearance, but someone say that’s because of your excellent football skills. So I want know what do you think of this? [/P][P]Sd2: Well, I think first I’m a good football player. And then I have a handsome face. Well, maybe handsome will make me more successful. But I think I will certainly put more attention on my skills, on my development, progress, on the, on my job, on my player first. [/P][P]Sc2: I know on the football skills you are nearly excellent. We know that you are cardinal in your England football team. But sometimes what you behave in your football field not so perfect as we expect, especially sometimes you may do something that makes you fast or a little bit disappointed. So someone may say that you even have no manners. I know that it’s not a very polite way to interview, but I really want to know your real thought about it. [/P][P]Sd2: Well, I think someone think I have no manners, it’s maybe I can’t control myself very well. So I would say sorry to all my friends. I think I would do better next time. Well, thank you. [/P][P]Sc2: Thank you for answering my questions. [/P][P]Sd2: Thank you. [/P][P][Students applause.] [/P][P]T: OK. Now, next pair. [Student c1 puts up his hand. The teacher gives the microphone to him.] [/P][P]Sc1: Oh, Beckham. I’m very glad to interview you. I’m your fan. [/P][P]Sd1: Oh, you’re my fan, right. Let’s make the first friendly shake. [/P][P]Sc1: First of all, I want to ask you a very personal question. You have listened to lot of people said you will move your club to another club. [/P][P]Sd1: Is that true? I don’t think so. Maybe after the match with South Korea, I will go to Japan to practice my football. [/P][P]Sc1: Yeah. I mean you and your coach in the Manchester are not very friendly. [/P][P]Sd1: No, I promise that my coach and I are very friendly to each other. [/P][P]Sc1: Of course. As I know you are very successful. Will you be more successful to go to Asia? [/P][P]Sd1: Yes. That’s true. I want to go to Asia. So I, a lot of advertisement. And also I can make a lot of money. So, any other questions? [The other students laugh and applause. Student c1 seems to think about a question.] [/P][P]Sd1: I have a deadline for you. I’m very busy. [/P][P]Sc1: Oh, so, that’s all. OK. [/P][P][Students applause for their performance.] [/P][P]T: Thank you very much. [/P][P][Some students still want to do the role-play and they put up their hands. But time is up. The teacher continues talking.] [/P][P]T: Oh, we get, we can look at a matter, I’m sorry to say. I like David Beckham [Happily]. I want to tell you something, ladies and gentlemen. Think about Chinese football [Seriously]. [/P][P]Ss: Oh … [Students sigh.] [/P][P]T: The future of Chinese football. Once there was a theme “I thought, I came and I conquered”. But for our Chinese football, “I thought, I came and I was conquered”. This is the headline in China Daily. Think about this. “The future of Chinese football”. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. This is your homework to write a composition. Thank you very much for your coming. And thank you very much for your cooperation. Thank you. Thank you so much. OK. I really enjoy working here. OK. Thank you very much. [/P][P]字母表示班级座位的列,数字表示班级座位的行。如 Sa3 表示 A 列第 3 位学生。下同。[/P][/TD][TD] [/TD][/TR][TR][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C_L_B.gif[/IMG][/TD][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C-b.gif[/IMG][/TD][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C_R_B.gif[/IMG][/TD][/TR][/TABLE][P][IMG=0,absMiddle,1,1]http://vodone.wrating.com/a.gif?a=1376d54d4b6&t=&i=2e3f433f3.1376d53ca79.0.bfaf228c30fb8&b=http%3A//edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/kcjj/ch1/se1/0101000000.htm&c=860010-2028180100&s=1024x768x32&l=zh-cn&z=8&j=1&f=10.0&r=http%3A//edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/frames/menu.htm&kw=&ut=30&n=&js=&ck=1[/IMG][/P]

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