交流区英语资料 >> To Play or to Watch案例反思
楼主 To Play or to Watch案例反思 Karlson,2012-05-21 11:02:54

[TABLE=transparent,0,0,100%,left,transparent,0,none][TR][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C_L_T.gif[/IMG][/TD][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C-t.gif[/IMG][/TD][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C_R_T.gif[/IMG][/TD][/TR][TR][TD] [/TD][TD=1,1,#ffffff]
一To Play or to Watch[P][P][ALIGN=center]重庆市巴蜀中学英语教师 徐建军[/ALIGN][/P][P][/P][P][B][/B][B][[/B][B] 案例反思[/B][B] ] [/B][/P][P][B]1[/B][B] .亮点评价[/B][B][/B][/P][P]徐 老师这堂课最大的特点是做到能“以人为本”,从学生的认知水平出发,层层递进地设计课堂活动;在课堂教学中适当运用体态语,调动课堂学习气氛,激发学生学习的动机和兴趣。 [/P][P]例 9 [/P][P]T: OK. Watching is more valuable than doing the real thing. Right? OK. That’s all for these points. Now. Let’s check it out. OK. We’ve got it. Right? He thinks he prefers to stay indoors when he watches football. Let’s look at these slangs. What does this mean? “No manners”. What does this mean? What does this mean? [The teacher points the microphone to Student e1.] [/P][P]Se1: I think it means he doesn’t like a gentleman. [/P][P]T: He, he doesn’t look like a gentleman. Do you think so? For example, I am walking on the street, and I spit. [He pretends to spit.] All the time you will talk about I have no manners. What does this mean? “Behave”. What does this mean? 1’’ Just make a white guess. What does this mean, “Behave”. [/P][P]Se4: Action. [/P][P]T: Action or act. Act. “Behave” which means “act”, which means “doing something”. Now, let’s come to next one. “ A good example to follow”, what does this mean? “Follow one’s example”. What does this mean? Just guess. [/P][P]Sf1: [Volunteering] If we follow him, we can improve a lot. [/P][P]T: If we follow him, we can improve a lot. Is she right? “Follow one’s example”. What does this mean? Lei Feng … [/P][P]Sc3: [Volunteering] Model and idol him. [/P][P]T: Model and icon. We learn from somebody, which means we follow his example. You’ve got it. OK. Now. What does this mean? “Play fair”. Just make a white guess according to the speaker. David Beckham doesn’t try to push them. [Gesturing] Right? He does not try to make them fall over. What does this mean? “Play fair”. Think about it. [/P][P]Sd2: [Volunteering] Maybe it means he plays in the rules. [/P][P]T: Yes. She got it. Do you think so? He plays according to all, according to the rules, obeys the rules. Now what about this one? [The teacher presses the mouse.] “Strategy”. What does this mean? 2’’ Watching TV and watching football can improve his strategy. What does this mean? 1’’ [/P][P]Se2: [Volunteering] It means the best way to the game. [/P][P]T: The best way … Do you think so? What about you? [/P][P]Sd4: [Volunteering] The plan before he play football. [/P][P]T: Would you say that again? [/P][P]Sd4: The plan before he play football. [/P][P]T: She says it’s the plan. Is she right? Is it really a plan or something else? “Strategy”. We will play football … [/P][P]Sd1: [Volunteering] The way to play football. [/P][P]T: Do you think so? Yes, which means strategy is “a kind of way, means or method. Do you think so? That’s a way. OK. You’ve got it. [He presses the mouse.] What does this mean? “Fitness”. “Fitness”. What does this mean? What does this mean, “fitness”? Look at me. Look at me. I’m so fat, I … [/P][P]Sc4: [Volunteering] I think it means exercise. [/P][P]T: Exercise. Do you agree? [/P][P]Sd3: Problem. [/P][P]T: Problem? Here “Fitness” is a noun. Here “Fitness” is a noun. What does this mean? [/P][P]Sb3: [Volunteering] Is this mean “Health”? [/P][P]T: “Health”? Do you think so? I think so. It’s “Health”, your physical condition. Right? How to fit, fitness. OK. You’ve got it. [/P][P]这是猜测词义中的一段课堂实录。在猜测“ A good example to follow ”和“ Fitness ”的词义时,学生或多或少地遇到一些困难。教师并非直接给出答案,而是一步一步地引导学生支持学生的回答,直至学生把答案联系到新的知识上去。如“ A good example to follow ”,学生猜测为“ If we follow him, we can improve a lot ”,教师认为不是最确切,就举出雷锋两个字,学生的灵感来了,回答出了“ Model and idol him ”比较贴切的意思。再如,学生在猜测“ Fitness ”的词义时,遇到困难。教师支架式的语言出现:“ Look at me. Look at me. I’m so fat, I … ” 。语音未落,导出学生“ Exercise ”“ Problem ”,终于“ Health ”—最接近的含义出现。在 Bruner 把“支架式”概念引入语言教学之后, Brown 和 Glaserfeld 提出支架式教学的几个环节:预热( etudes )、探索( exploration )、独立探索( excursions ),即教师把学生引入一定的问题情境中,然后逐步让学生自己去探索直至放手让学生独立地探索。正是依据这样的理念,学生在学习中认知水平不断发展。 [/P][P]在这段课堂实录中,教师体态语的运用也得以充分地体现。如举例“ No manners ”,教师展示了社会上非常不文明的言行,随地吐痰的动作,让学生有切实的体会;“ Play fair ”用“ David Beckham doesn’t try to push them. (Gesturing) ”这种直观,明了的方式。除了身体动作, 徐老师脸上的表情,一直注视学生的目光和抑扬顿挫的音色无不调动学生的积极性。从例 9 的实录中,可以看到学生大多数要求主动( Volunteering )参与课堂交际。 [/P][P]重视学生的认知发展和课堂中适度运用体态语,对我们平时教学都有一定的启发。以学生为中心,让学生在课堂中产生积极的情感,学生才能进入良好的学习状态。 [/P][P][B]2[/B][B] .弱点剖析[/B][B][/B][/P][P]在这堂课中,有几个方面值得商榷的问题,仅供广大教师讨论: [/P][P]其一,教师对学生语言错误的反馈。 徐老师对学生的语言错误有过纠正,但许多错误被忽略。比如在例 10 中: [/P][P]例 10 [/P][P]Sb4: [Volunteering] I also agree with B’s five point. This first one I want to say is a hope. Do you know in this world cup, everyone thought the team of Brazilian will win the game. But as a matter of fact, the England team win the game. Why? Because they have a good strategy. [/P][P][Students applause.] [/P][P]T: [Nodding] Strategies means a lot. Do you think so? [/P][P]从学生的反应(鼓掌)来看,学生普遍觉得这段话非常精彩。而在这段话中存在比较明显的语法错误。如果教师对思想都会错误视而不见、听而不闻,长此以往就会出现语言的“石化”现象,不利于掌握正确的目的语。现代的外语教学观反对结构主义的语言观—有错必纠,但对错误的过分宽容影响学生的语言发展,也不可取。纠错一定要把握好度的问题。 [/P][P]其二,提问中的重复现象。在教学提问过程中,学生对有些问题的回答需要时间,如果教师把问题重复多遍,则影响学生思考,并不能提高回答问题的准确率。 [/P][P]例 11 [/P][P]T: OK. Time is up. First, OK, let’s check it up. What are A’s points? Any volunteer? What are A’s points? What did A think? What are A’s points? [/P][P]Sf3: [Volunteering] I think, I think practice more, practice is more useful to improve the football skills. [/P][P]T: [Nodding] Thank you very much. She’s got it. Now. Any more? Any more? 2’’ [The teacher puts up one hand to ask students to take part in the discussion actively.] A thought a lot besides this point. Now. What about you? [/P][P]Sc3: A thinks they can’t play football well just by watching TV, so this is what A thinks. [/P][P]教师在提问“ What are A’s points? ”时,由于这个问题需要学生进行归类、分析再做出综合性陈述,教师提问一遍,没有一名学生主动参与交流。多数的教师会因为担心学生没听清或冷场而多次重复问题。重复三遍,学生还未参与讨论。在三秒多钟的等待时间过后,才出现学生的主动交流。学生对教师的提问保持沉默的原因多种多样,教师不能简单地采取重复提问的方式。降低问题的难度,增加等待时间,改变提问的话题等等都不失为避免出现教师单向交流的局面。 [/P][P][B]3[/B][B] .[/B][B] 执教教师自我反思[/B][B][/B][/P][P]问: 您觉得上公开课和平时的课有什么不同? [/P][P]答:上公开课的要求肯定比平时的高,他主要 强调老师和学生的互动,在多样化的形式下,在一种比较轻松活泼的氛围中去感悟语言,学习语言,使用语言。最大限度的让学生老师在跨文化交际中游刃有余。并且老师有一定程度上的自我风采的展现。个人魅力的展现。平时教学更注重知识的传播。 [/P][P]问:对于这堂公开课,您的目标定位是什么? [/P][P]答:我的定位可以用问题一的答案作答。 [/P][P]问:对于学生上课阅读时查文曲星的现象,您的看法如何? [/P][P]答:我的要求是,第一遍,读懂大意。第二遍详细阅读,再回答问题或作选择题。但是一、二遍决不允许查字典或文曲星。第三遍学生可以查字典等工具书。因为我会把几乎所有的构词法和根据上下文猜词意的方法全部教给学生。但是泛读时他们随时可以使用工具书等。 [/P][P]问:您平时自己设计问题还是选择课本中提供的问题? [/P][P]答:我几乎都是自己设问。 [/P][P]问:当学生回答问题有困难,您会选择什么方式对待? [/P][P]答:看情况:有些批评,有些鼓励,有些再诱导等。 [/P][P]问:对于学生在课堂回答中的错误,您平时上课时是怎样处理的? [/P][P]答:立即纠正,并尽可能的把其他潜在的问题诱发出来,再一并吃掉。 [/P][P]问:您所在的学校是 否采用 SEFC 以外的教材? [/P][P]答:肯定,平行班除 SEFC 之 外还需增加一套阅读教程。实验班有新概念和大学英语第一和第二册。 [/P][P]问:您所在的学校是否实行 30 人以下的小班上课?您在课堂中是否有意识地注意提问面还是喜欢问英语程度好的学生? [/P][P]答:我们班额是 50-60 人。大面积提问。 [/P][P]问:现在我们提倡关注学生情感,以学生为中心的教学模式,主张学生自己建构知识,对于这些新的理念,您在教学中怎样体现? [/P][P]答:因为是实验班自然会让学生自学等,学生在课堂上自然是中心地位。这些学生如果不注意情感投入,老师很快也就会下岗。我们主张建立新型的师生关系,老师是学生为本。 [/P][P]问:您是否有记教学笔记的习惯,是否对自己的教学进行经常性反思? [/P][P]答:前者少一些。后者经常有。我们压力很大不得不长期型的思考教学。北大,清华的指标不讲二话 。 [/P][/TD][TD] [/TD][/TR][TR][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C_L_B.gif[/IMG][/TD][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C-b.gif[/IMG][/TD][TD][IMG=0,absMiddle,12,13]http://edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/images/C_R_B.gif[/IMG][/TD][/TR][/TABLE][P][IMG=0,absMiddle,1,1]http://vodone.wrating.com/a.gif?a=1376d58bd62&t=&i=2e3f433f3.1376d53ca79.0.bfaf228c30fb8&b=http%3A//edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/kcjj/ch1/se3/0103000000.htm&c=860010-2028180100&s=1024x768x32&l=zh-cn&z=8&j=1&f=10.0&r=http%3A//edu6.teacher.com.cn/tkc205a/frames/menu.htm&kw=&ut=30&n=&js=&ck=1[/IMG][/P]

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